Free Little Art Gallery Artist Workshop  (FLAG)

Free Little Art Gallery Artist Workshop  (FLAG)

Kelly Poitras of Nicimos Designs is a Proud Métis artist whose family is originally from the Qu’Appelle Valley of Saskatchewan. Her dad has been Santa Claus in the New Westminster Christmas Parade, a past Board Member for the Hyack Festival Association, and a resident and student in Sapperton as a youth. Kelly creates Métis Dot Art to represent the beadwork my Ancestors used to make in order to provide the necessities for their Families through trading. Her art pieces include fridge magnets, wall decor, moccasins, and drums.

Fulton Tom is the owner/curator of the Free Little Art Gallery of New Westminster, whose mission is to get the community to Love Art | Make Art | Share Art. He is also a hobbyist artist that dabbles in a variety of media including paper, glass and wool.

During the New West Cultural Crawl, visitors to the Free Little Art Gallery of New Westminster can make Métis Dot Art magnets with Kelly from 1 pm to 4 pm and paper quilled magnets with Fulton. The activities are free.

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